financefinancial time series object

Maybe its me being crazy but is there a bug with the financial time series object routine 'toquarterly' ?
The online documentation says
"The default quarterly days are the last business day of March, June, September, and December."
but there's no parameter value listed to change the default quarterly dates. Then, in the help documentation the 'EM' parameter is listed but changing between 1 and 12 has no effect?
for example:
tsobj = fints(dates, data);
tsobj = toquarterly(tsobj,'EM', 2);
tsobj = fts2mat(tsobj,1);
I'm sure its me since you guys behind the scenes are Matlab rock!!!

Best Answer

R2009a Win7 32bit
No problems:
ft = fints([(now-99:now).' rand(100,1)]);