MATLAB: Bug in normpdf function


Hi all,
I have encountered a weird issue using normpdf function for small sigma values, The code aims to create a dataset of "gaussian pulses" (different mu but same sigma)
sigma = 0.001 ; % constant sigma
D = 100 ; % Dimension of 1 pulse
I = linspace(0,1,D);% Interval
n = 30 ; % number of pulse
pulse_dataset = zeros(n,D); %initializing the dataset
for i = 1:n
mu = rand(); %generate random mu in intervall [0,1]
pulse_dataset(i,:) = normpdf(I, mu, sigma);
for i=1:n
hold on
This code outputs :
Since sigma is constant, why the pulses have not the same shape ?
Thanks for you help,

Best Answer

The height of the peaks depends on how small min(I-mu) is. Choosing D->Inf (e.g. D=10000), the shape of the pulses should become similar.
Best wishes