MATLAB: Breaking changes to jsondecode between 2018a and 2018b


Problem: The same code and files that worked for jsondecode in 2018a and earlier stopped working in 2018b and beyond.
Exception: JSON text must be a character vector or a scalar non-missing string.
The attached article.txt file was written by
json = jsonencode(structObj);
fID = fopen('./data/article.txt', 'w', 'n', 'UTF-8');
fwrite(fID, json, 'char');
I have attempted to read it back in by:
fileName = './data/article.txt';
fID = fopen(fileName, 'r', 'n', 'UTF-8');
readIn = native2unicode(fread(fID), 'UTF-8');
value = jsondecode(readIn);
This works in 2018a but throws the exceptions at the jsondecode line in 2018b and later

Best Answer

readIn = native2unicode(fread(fID, [1 inf]), 'UTF-8');
That is, you were trying to send a column vector to jsondecode and it needs to be a row vector.
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