MATLAB: Breaking a column of strings in two different columns


Dear all,
Inside the workspace I have the following column in cell format
Column 1
I was trying to break this column in two other where the first column will contain the first two elements of each of these string variables and the second one will contain the dates as follows
Column1 column 2
AR 02/11/08
AW 30/11/08
EW 28/12/08
RT 25/01/09
RY 22/02/09
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

It appears that you can't really do matrix operations on cell arrays like:
mycell{:,2} = mycell{:,1}(3:end);
So here's what I've got for you. It's probably not the most elegant solution, but it works...
for i = 1:length(mycell)
mycell{i,2} = [mycell{i,1}(3:4) '/' mycell{i,1}(5:6) '/' mycell{i,1}(7:8)];
mycell{i,1} = mycell{i,1}(1:2);