MATLAB: Brake rotor simulation – Couldn’t get results

brake rotortemperature

Hello Everyone, i'm Naveen from Texas. I have a code that simulates dynamic brake rotor temperature. I know the end result and graph. But code doesnt give me the same result. I hope its my mistake and someone can help me out.
Basically, the code simulates a car Accelerating to 60mph at 0.5G and decelerating to 30mph at 1.6G and accelerates to 60mph and repeats to 150 to 300 sec. The temperature curve has to saturate like in the picture.
I have attached the code file and the desired result file.

Best Answer

I set up maxstep
opt = odeset('MaxStep',0.1);
[t,x] = ode45(@DerFun,Tspan,x0,opt);
And now it looks like
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