MATLAB: Brain tumor detection in CT data

brain cancercomputed tomographyctdoit4meimage analysisMATLABtumor detection

Hello all!
I'm looking for 2d matlab implementation of random tumor detection algorithm in computed tomography images. And then should be performed a quantitative assessment of the proposed algorithm, based on the relative number of correct detections, false and invalid such discoveries.
I really need this help.
Big thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Peter,
Nobody is going to be able to give you a full turnkey solution to your problem, largely because a) such a task is pretty substantial and outside the scope of this forum, and b) none of us have your CT images, nor do we know what type of criteria you want to use to categorize the tumors. Do you have the Image Processing Toolbox? If so, you should start by reviewing the demos there-- several of them are relevant to image segmentation and should get you started. Pay particular attention to the use of the regionprops() function.
After you have done that, you can return here with _specific _questions. It would also be helpful if you post some sample images here to illustrate what features you are looking for.