MATLAB: Box plot y-axis

box plot

How can I make a box plot for the data in "trials" but have the "outcome" on the y-axis? If I re-size the axis I get only a portion of the box plot.
trials=[98 72 79 50 58 38 17 9 3 3]
outcome=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
(read: on 98 trials outcome 1 came, on another 72 trials outcome 2 came)
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Is this the sort of thing your looking for?
x = arrayfun(@(a,b) ones(a,1)*b, trials, outcome, 'uni', 0)
x = cat(1, x{:})
(Though given the skewedness of your data, a histogram might be a better choice for visualization).