MATLAB: Bounding boxes on objects after training a classifier.


Hi, I have a dataset with 5 classes. I have extracted the features using pre-trained CNN and then trained a classifier using SVM. Now, I would like to classify multiple objects in a single image (better if in video) by having bounding boxes on the objects and labelling to indicate the classes. I understand that it will be faster and easier using object detectors like R-CNN and YOLO v2 but is there a way I can do continuing from the trained classifier that I have mentioned?

Best Answer

For doing Object Detection, the training dataset require to have bounding boxes in it so that Network can be trained for classification as well as bounding box regression. As mentioned in the question you have a pretrained classifier which can classify 5 classes. So, I suggest labeling some images for getting a training data for fasterRCNNObjectDetector. For Labeling the images to get bounding boxes you may use Image Labeler App or Ground Truth Labeler App. You can mention the pretrained classifier while creating fasterRCNNLayers.
This example can be useful for getting started.
For Labeling you may this helpful.
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