MATLAB: Bound fill between two bounds, data given


Hi. I have:
Upper Bound: UB = [5.522, 5.326, 5.250, 5.228, 5.198, 5.190];
Lower Bound: LB = [4.682, 4.874, 5.070, 5.069, 5.119, 5.122];
No. of elements: No = [388, 797, 1599, 3302, 6801, 13809];
I want to shade the area between those two bounds. I found answered questions to the same question, but I don't know how to translate it to my data. Also is there way to make the shaded area slightly opac or make it comprise of tiny dots? I have a couple of bounds and they might coincide. Also is there a way to add the shaded area to the legend (as shown on the picture)? Basically, I want to achieve something like this:
Man thanks for the help!

Best Answer

Should be easy using either fill or polygon. Just make sure you close the curve by flipping one of the bounds. For example:
UB = [5.522, 5.326, 5.250, 5.228, 5.198, 5.190];
LB = [4.682, 4.874, 5.070, 5.069, 5.119, 5.122];
No = [388, 797, 1599, 3302, 6801, 13809];
y = [UB flip(LB)];
x = [No flip(No)];
h = fill(x,y,'k','facealpha',0.1)
The output patch object of fill can be used as input to the legend.
You can use a FEX function for pattern fills, such as hatchfill. However, you will be able to distinguish overlapping areas if you play around with the facealpha argument of fill.