MATLAB: Blurred latex figure label

latexMATLAB and Simulink Student Suiteplot

I was wondering if there is a way to improve the quality of the latex written text e.g. in figure labels. Attached is an example of what I mean.
Is there a solution for this problem?

Best Answer

Print your figure to post-script format using the -painters renderer:
The print function makes some clever selection of how to write stuff, and sometimes it automagically decides to use the default -opengl renderer which gives you a bit-mapped and not a vectorized output file even though you print to a post-scrip-file. If you explicitly tell print to use -painters, it will do as told. However, sometimes the vectorized output makes the files uncomfortably large, sometimes the renderer gets peculiar ideas about how to arrange objects in 3-D (think Escher-Reutersvärd).