MATLAB: Blue screen of death (BSOD) when running Simulink model on external mode using SLDRT

10advantechbluecrashdesktoppci-1711ureal timescreensimulinkwindows

Our company is using Simulink Desktop Real-Time models to control external hardware systems. The communication between the external Hardware and MATLAB/Simulink is realized via Advantech Card PCI-1711u.
The target computer has Windows 10, 64-bit (up-to-date). It has a processor Intel® Core™ i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz and 8GB RAM. We are running our Simulink model in external mode and every so often, Windows seems to crash with a blue screen (BSOD). We have already made sure, that the Advantech drivers are up-to-date, as well MATLAB and its Toolboxes.
Additionally we have examined the Websites for similar issues and have set suggested BIOS Settings:
– Turning off an option called VT-d (Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O)
– Turning on an option called HPET (High Performance/Precision Event Timer)
– Turning off an option called C1E (enhanced halt)
While Bluescreen occuring, MATLAB itself produces no crash dumps. Have checked with the function "extractCrashLogs" (see attached zip-file). What can we do to prevent this from happening?

Best Answer

  • Windows BSODs sometimes occur because of kernel incompatibility. Please try to reinstall the Simulink Desktop Real-Time (SLDRT) kernel using the following command: "sldrtkernel -setup". For more information on the command, please review the following documentation link.
  • The kernel update is not just to overcome potential incompatibilities with Windows or Microsoft updates, but sometimes to obtain the latest version of the SLDRT kernel. Sometimes, MathWorks updates the SLDRT kernel with different releases and sometimes even as part of updates within each release. It cannot be guaranteed that there won't be incompatibilities in the future, but please note that it may be worthwhile to update the SLDRT kernel every time you update your MATLAB software.
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