MATLAB: Block the images and then do bilateral subtraction between both images

digital image processingimage analysisimage blockingImage Processing Toolbox

1) i need to divide both images into equal number of blocks like each block should be of 64*64 and each image is divided into 16 blocks
2) then bilateral subtaction between both images is taken (like first block of both images are subtracted and the average value of all pixel in each block is calculated
3)then need to compare this average value with the threshold value (if the value crosses the threshold limit then consider that a doubtful case and show those blocks
that's basically my project on MRI and comparison is done between MRI of normal image and patient image so i am sending reference images. i need to find out the change between both scenes so i can apply on my images
need to find the blocks having differences in reference image as the other image is kept as standard

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this is reference image