MATLAB: Bloc MATLAB function directory error


Hello, I have a little problem with the "MATLAB function" bloc of simulink. I'm using matlab 2011a, I made a very basic circuit, in input of the bloc "MATLAB function" there is a bloc "Repeating Sequence" and in output just a scope. I didn't change the code of fcn bloc. However, when I launch the simulation the following error appear:
The current directory is c:\program files\matlab\r2011a\bin, which is reserved for MATLAB files. Please change your current directory to a writable directory preferably outside of MATLAB installation area
I tried to change the saving directory, but nothing changed, always the same error. Do you have any idea how I could solve this problem?
Thank you,

Best Answer

What do you get when you execute the following commands in MATLAB:
>> pwd
>> !cd