MATLAB: Blackjack how to define cards as their value


Hey everybody, I am trying to write a very simple blackjack code where the player either hits 21 and wins, or busts and loses. So far i have this,
function card = dealcard;
%This program will allow someone to draw a card at random from a full deck
and see what that card would be. you can go through the whole deck
persistent dec; %persistent makes it so matlab stores this variable
if length(dec)<53
dec=[1:52]; %one deck of cards
dec=dec(randperm(length(dec))); %this shuffles the cards
I do not know how to define the cards as being an ace, 2,3,…queen, and king. If anyone could help me with this that would be great. Thank you.

Best Answer

You don't need to make it persistent. Just pass the dec in. And to keep track of both the card number, and the card's value, you'll need a 2 D array.
cardNumbers = [1:52];
cardValues = [1:13, 1:13, 1:13, 1:13];
dec = [cardNumbers', cardValues']
% Now shuffle
shufflingOrder = randperm(size(dec, 1));
dec = dec(shufflingOrder, :)
% Prepare your output
cardNumber = dec(end, 1);
cardValue = dec(end, 2);