MATLAB: Bird Tracking using IR camera

Computer Vision Toolboximage processingImage Processing Toolbox

We are working on Bird tracking and I have been dealing with Bird Radar till yesterday and another student in our group who has graduated recently has taken IR videos of the sky during nights using a stable mounted IR camera…Now I have moved into his shoes and I have been assigned a task to determine the directional vectors associated with the birds and I also should find the count of birds in the sky…We are dealing with various birds (which may also include the bats..criteria is not classification but just finding out the direction of motion)…It would be really great if someone can give me a way so that I can start working on it!!!

Best Answer

Video and Image Processing Blockset may contain some useful functionalities for tracking objects in videos. Take a look at one of the demos that ships with the product: "Tracking Cars Using Optical Flow".
You may also want to look at Image Processing Toolbox.