MATLAB: BioMap bug (bioinformatics toolbox)

Bioinformatics Toolboxr2012a

I try to construct a BioMap structure from a BAM file. I use
info = baminfo(bamFilename,'ScanDictionary',true);
bm = BioMap(bamFilename, 'SelectReference', info.ScannedDictionary{chromosomeNo});
Eventhough baminfo shows a valid reference (info.ScannedDictionary) and a number of mapped reads (info.ScannedDictionaryCount) when I create the bm object, this has no reads inside. Only 1 chromosome out of 16 gives me this problem, so I don't understand what's happening…
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

Probably I should close this question...
The bug was fixed in release 2012b. The support team sent me a dll file which fixes the bug in versions <= 2012a. If anyone has the same problem, I can send you the fixed dll, if you request it.