MATLAB: Bioinformatics gene expression example

matlab examplesrna-seq

I have the bioinformatics toolbox, but cannot find the .mat files necessary to follow the example titled "Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes from RNA-Seq Data", namely, I cannot find the data file pasilla_count_noMM.mat, which the example describes as "included". Is this an issue with my version of the toolbox? Help? Many thanks!

Best Answer

In current versions the file is at fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples/bioinfo/pasilla_count_noMM.mat') . Not long ago the file was at fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox/bioinfo/biodemos/pasilla_count_noMM.mat')
Before R2015b this file did not exist; the example loaded different data from different locations.