MATLAB: Binary data dealing with fread


I have a binary data file. When I look into the file in a Hex editior, I can see a 32 bit Hex value, 'F9 BD FF FF.' When I read it as fread(fid,1,'bit32','ieee-le'), the value is read as -3.448212000000000e+05. I do not understand the calculation. Could you let me know, please?

Best Answer

I cannot confirm this.
a = uint8(sscanf('F9BDFFFF', '%2X'));
fid = fopen('test.bin', 'w');
fwrite(fid, a, 'uint8');
fid = fopen('test.bin');
b = fread(fid,1,'bit32','ieee-le') % -16903
Please post some code, which reproduces your observations.
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