MATLAB: /bin/bash: stp: command not found


I'm having sort of a strange issue with MATLAB suddenly not finding files in my bash's path. From a normal bash terminal, I can type "stp" and it opens a program, because it's within bash's $PATH variable. But now suddenly, MATLAB no longer finds the command (it worked before). I even tried making sure it is in MATLAB's "path" (when I type path the folder it resides in is there), so I'm not really sure which side I should be hitting this issue from.
It used to be from the MATLAB terminal I could type "stp" and it would run the program like if I typed that at terminal, but now it seems to have trouble recognizing it. Any ideas how this might have changed? My code runs the command through like so, which allows for it to tell STP to do some specific commands that I outline in tfile before calling it.
scmd = sprintf('stp < ''%s''', tfile);
[status, cmdoutput] = system(scmd)
So suddenly this doesn't work anymore.

Best Answer

I found the answer in an old newsgroup post. What I did was go to my MATLAB directory and under
I found a file called "matlab" to which I added a line at the top
export PATH=$PATH:desired/path/to/program
This appears to have fixed the issue.
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