MATLAB: Better code to crop out a connected component

bounding boxconnected componentcropefficientregionprops

Hi, I have written this code to crop out just a connected component on an image:
rp = regionprops(cc, 'BoundingBox');
minr = rp(stainid).BoundingBox(2);
minc = rp(stainid).BoundingBox(1);
maxr = rp(stainid).BoundingBox(2) + rp(stainid).BoundingBox(4);
maxc = rp(stainid).BoundingBox(1) + rp(stainid).BoundingBox(3);
imstainzoom = im(minr:maxr, minc:maxc);
It works, but isn't the best code possible. Also, the bounding box returns non-integers (why is that?). Is there a much more efficient way to do this?

Best Answer

See my image segmentation tutorial where I crop out objects using their bounding boxes.
I believe it gives coordinates on the half pixel to eliminate any ambiguity about whether the bounding box is the inclusive box, or one pixel layer outside that. So you can use ceil() and floor() to make it do it either way depending on what you prefer.
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