MATLAB: Best way to append regression results

for loopMATLABregression

Hi there!
I am running a linear regression in a finite loop.
Each time, it produces coefficient estimates and 95% confidence interval ranges.
I would like to append these regression results on a separate matrix.
What is the best way to do this?
For example, suppose I run:

for i = 1:3
N = i; % this is the polynomial degree
[p,S] = polyfit(x, y, N);
I would like to store the coefficients stored in p.
For the 3rd-degree, I have 1×4 double as class for p.
So what is the best way to append 1×4 double class variable into a clean matrix?
The main issue I am having is the dimensions not matching, something along the line with…
"Unable to perform assignment because
the size of the left side is 1-by-1
and the size of the right side is
Please help…!! Thank you!

Best Answer

P = cell(3,1) ;
for i = 1:3
N = i; % this is the polynomial degree
[p,S] = polyfit(x, y, N);
P{i} = p ;