MATLAB: Best practice to pass large number of parameters to many functions


This a programming style question. I have to solve a model for given parameters. The parameters are fixed in the beginning and they do not change during execution. These parameters need to be available to all the functions and subfunctions of the code. So far I used global variables. This is not very elegant, but it worked. But when I tried to speed up my code with using "parfor" instead of "for", then I learned that globals and parfor don't play well together.
So now I am planning to pass all the parameters to all functions as input arguments. Obviously, I don't want to write out each of them and create functions with 20-30 inputs. What is the best practice to do this? Should I use a structure?
Thanks, Andras

Best Answer

Yes. Simplest and fastest would be to use a struct as a container. That way you pass around only one argument to each function where any parameter is needed. This is not costly in terms of space or time, since MATLAB does not copy the struct into each workspace unless it is modified there.
Another option which will surely be slower but does not need you to pass in anything, is to use a function. Have the parameters defined in there as persistent variables, which you could easily set up so they are passed in initially.
Then when you want to know the value of a given parameter, query the value using the name of that parameter. Let the function do the work here. It would be slower, but requires no passed arguments at all.
You could even set up a list of prefs with setpref, which you could then query the values using getpref. Of course, this would be even slower, since I think prefs are stored on disk.