MATLAB: Best function for opening up .csv files as a matrix

2012cell arraycsvfopentextscan

I'm using matlab 2012 and the function:
a = fopen('filename.csv');
b = textscan(a, '%s %s %s %s', 'delimiter', ',')
But the resulting matrix is a 1×4 cell with 101×1 matrixes inside of them. I was hoping for a 101×4 matrix since that would be easier to work with. Does the 2012 version of matlab not have a function for this?
All the best,

Best Answer

Add 'CollectOutput',true to import them as one array:
a = fopen('filename.csv');
b = textscan(a, '%s %s %s %s', 'delimiter', ',', 'CollectOutput',true);