MATLAB: (Beginner)Simple for-loop! Help!

arrayfor loopplot

Hello. I have what I believe is a very simple problem, that I just can't wrap my head around.
I want to plot a sine-curve and a square plot that changes between 0 and 1 as the sinus curve goes between positive and negative value. Here is my code:
T = zeros(1,length(x));
for i=1:length(x)
if(sin(i) > 0)
T(i) = 1;
T(i) = -1;
plot(x, y, x, T, 'r');

Best Answer

Magnarok - rather than conditioning on
sin(i) > 0
y(i) > 0
since those are the values of the sine curve. Remember, i is an integer from 1 to the length of your x array, so sin(i) is not what you want to be computing. (I suppose you could do sin(x(i)) > 0 but that seems like extra work when you already have y.)