MATLAB: Basic 3D plotting on 3D axis

3d plotscubes

This is a very basic question. I am sorry I am absolutely new and i am trying to figure out one of the basics into 3D plotting. Lets say I create and 3D plot axis:
axis([0 100 0 100 0 100])
grid on
Now lets say i want to crate 2 different cubes with size of 10 10 10. I want to be able to display this 2 cubes over this axis with different positions. Let say the one to be at 20 20 0 the other at 50 50 0.
Thank you

Best Answer

F1 = [0 1 1 0 0;
0 0 1 1 0;
0 0 0 0 0]
F1 * 10 is now [X; Y; Z] for the front face for a cube.
f20 = [20 + 10 * F1(1,:); 20 + 10 * F1(2,:); 0 + 10 * F1(3,:)] would put that face at [20 20 0]
patch(f20(1,:), f20(2,:), f20(3,:))
would create the graphic for that face.
You can extend this sort of technique to the other faces.