MATLAB: Bar plot with error bar

column plotMATLABplot

I have to plot bar plots with error bars but the error bars. For example
A 10(4-18)
B 21(11-28)
C 32(19-37)
A, B and C are to be plotted as bars with the center value (not in parenthesis). The values in parenthesis are the lower and upper limits of the whiskers to be represented as errors on the bar plot. Thank You

Best Answer

Here's a demo using your data.
count = [10, 21, 32];
errLim = [4, 11, 19; 18, 28, 37];
err = errLim - count;
hold on
errorbar(1:length(count), [10, 21, 32], err(1,:), err(2,:), 'LineStyle','none')
set(gca, 'xtick', 1:length(count), 'xticklabel', {'A' 'B' 'C'})
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