MATLAB: Bar graph related problem

the cyclist azzi abdelmalek jan simon on

I'm in a problem which is I have used the bar for a plot.I have used 7 times bar withhold on i.e plotted 7 bar in one figure but the problem I'm facing is on Y axis values are not exact I mean one bar has value in between 10 to 11 or etc similarly others are. I need exact values on Y-axis which 1 to 16 with very small increment so that I can see somewhat exact value of my bar graph

Best Answer

Adjust the YTick, YMinorTick, YGrid, and/or YMinorGrid properties of the axes to your liking.
If you're using release R2016b or later, you can use the convenience function yticks to set YTick easily.
You can use the grid function (introduced before release R2006a) to set YGrid and YMinorGrid easily.