MATLAB: Bar chart legend and colour


I have created a bar chart and I want to add the names of the variants on the legend and they shoud have different colours.
How can I realize that?
ds = dataset("xlsfile", "dsCompact");
clean_ds = rmmissing(ds);
%% Mean of Mean of parameter variants for each velocity
[groupVariantsVelocity, variants, velocity, scale] = findgroups(clean_ds.parameter_variants, clean_ds.velocity, clean_ds.scale);
meanVariantsVelocity = splitapply(@mean, clean_ds.score, groupVariantsVelocity);
tVariantsVelocity = table (variants, velocity, scale, meanVariantsVelocity);
bar(meanVariantsVelocity(scale == "like"));

Best Answer

There are two approaches below. I recommend using the first one where the bars and labeled by the xtick labels. You can rotate them at any angle you wish. The second approach colors each bar and uses a colorbar to identify the color code. This requires a lot more work from the user to match the bar to the color. With a greater number of bars, the colors become too similar.
Also, consider reading the data in as a table instead of using datasets.
Use x tick labels
scaleSelection = strcmp(scale,'like'); % use strcmp(), not "==".

barData = meanVariantsVelocity(scaleSelection);
bh = bar(barData);
% add x tick labels
ax = bh.Parent;
ax.XTick = 1:numel(barData);
ax.XTickLabel = variants(scaleSelection);
ax.TickLabelInterpreter = 'none';
xtickangle(ax, 45) % or try 90 degrees
Colored bars with colorbar as legend
This is not recommended.
scaleSelection = strcmp(scale,'like'); % use strcmp(), not "==".
barData = meanVariantsVelocity(scaleSelection); % use strcmp(), not "==".
bh = bar(barData);
% set bar color
bh.FaceColor = 'flat';
bh.CData = jet(numel(barData)); % use any colormap you'd like
% Add colorbar with categorical color labels
cb = colorbar();
cb.YTick = 0.5 : 1 : numel(barData);
cb.TickLabels = variants(scaleSelection);
cb.TickLabelInterpreter = 'none';
cb.FontSize = 8;
bh.Parent.Position(3) = 0.55; % make the axis narrower to fit the colorbar labels.