MATLAB: Bandpass, lowpass and highpass filtering

filtering codeMATLAB

I wrote the code below to plot .wav/.mp3 files in both time and frequnency domains then filter each selected sound and plot again (bandpass filtering). The first part of the code works fine. Then the filter designer GUI pops up and I export the filter in Hd and run the rest of the code. The output (.wav or .mp3 and the last plot) seem to be the issue. Can you please help? I can not pinpoint what I did wrong.
%% Filtering
% clear all; clc;close all;
[signal,Fs] = audioread('Rooster_un3 copy.mp3');
%% Check channels and convert to mono
if size(signal,2)==2
y= mean(signal,2);
Nsamps = length(y);
t = (1/Fs)*(1:Nsamps);
%% Time_domain plotting
plot(t, y)
xlim ([0,5])
xlabel('Time (s)')
title ('Signal in Time-domain')
%% Fast Fourier Transform
yFT = fft(y);
%% Prepare plot FT
y_fft = abs(yFT); %Retain Magnitude
y_fft = y_fft(1:floor(Nsamps/2)); %Discard Half of Points
f = Fs*(0:Nsamps/2-1)/Nsamps; %Prepare freq data for plot
%% Frequency_domain plotting
subplot (3,1,2)
plot(f, y_fft)
xlim([0 20000])
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
title ('Signal in Frequency-domain')
%% Filtering
% filterDesigner
%% Generating bandpass filter and plotting
FilteredSignal = filter (Hd,y_fft);
FilteredSignalTransform =ifft (FilteredSignal);
subplot (3,1,3)
plot (abs(FilteredSignalTransform(:,1)));
xlim([0 20000])
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
title ('Filtered Signal in frquency_domain');
sound (FilteredSignal,Fs)
PLEASE note that to run this code completely you need to design a filter.
Thank you,

Best Answer

I have attached the final plot as well as the output sound.
1- It seems the output file is shorter than the input file.
2- The output file is not correctly filtered (attached). I used lowpass filter with frequency pass (3kHz) and frequency stop (3010Hz). Design method FIR (equiripple).
I hope this is clear,
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