MATLAB: Bad results of lsqnonlin


Hi everybody, I have to solve a 2 non-linear equations system with bounds(upper and lower) I tried lsqnonlin and sometimes it didn't converge to the right answer and i don't understand why!
***A simplified version of the problem (linear and deterministic):
lb = [0,0]; ub = [13.33,6.66]; x0 = [0;0];
xRes = lsqnonlin(@(x)OptimalStrategy2(x,30,1,10,8),q0,lb,ub,options);
***The defined function is the following:
function y = OptimalStrategy2(x,a,b,c1,c2)
y = [a-b*x(2)-c1-2*b*x(1);
*****by running the code I get xRes = 7.0720 6.6600 which is incorrect I'm supposed to get xRes = 6.6600 6.6600 to have both equations satisfied (i.e a-b*x(2)-c1-2*b*x(1)=0 and a-b*x(1)-c2-2*b*x(2)=0)
I need your help to undertand this point please!

Best Answer

I'm supposed to get xRes = 6.6600 6.6600 to have both equations satisfied
By direct inspection, I find that xRes = [6.6600 6.6600] does not satisfy your equations. Neither does xRes = [7.0720 6.6600], but it is better in a least squares sense:
K>> f=@(x) OptimalStrategy2(x,30,1,10,8);
K>> norm(f([6.66,6.66]))
ans =
K>> norm(f([ 7.0720 6.6600]))
ans =
Incidentally, your problem is linear, so you should probably be using LSQLIN.