MATLAB: Back Propagation Neural Network

back propagationDeep Learning Toolboxmatlab code for nnmlpneural network

I need a workable Back Propagation NN code. My Inputs are 100X3 dimension and outputs are 100X2 dimension.Sample size is 100.
For example 1st 5 samples are inputs [-46 -69 -82; -46 -69 -82; -46 -69 -82; -46 -69 -82; -46 -69 -82;… ] and outputs are [0 0;2 1;5 5;4 3; 3 5;…].
Please suggest me if BP is suitable for my problem and what learning technique and activation function will be better to solve this problem? Do I need to apply generalization? Kindly help me with the matlab code if possible. Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Convert to matrices and transpose
[I N ] = size(inputs)
[ O N ] = size(targets)
Use fitnet for regression and curve-fitting
help fitnet
doc fitnet
Use patternnet for classification and pattern-recognition
For examples beyond the help/doc documentation try searching with
greg fitnet
greg patternnet
in both the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS.