MATLAB: Axis labels cover the figure


Hi there,
While making my figure, I noticed how the Yaxis labels cover part of the figure. How do I fix this?
p = plot(xArray,normalizedSum);
p.LineWidth = 1.2;
p.Color = [175 0 50]./255;
'FontSize', 12,...
'YTickLabelMode', 'manual',...
'YTick',[1 10 100 200 255],...
xlim([0 12]);
ylim([0 255]);
ylabel('Logarithmic pixel intensity');
xlabel(['Distance (' char(197) ')']);
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

This is a bug that has since been fixed. See semilogx() with reverse X Axis changes Y Labels position for a work-around, or update your version to the latest update (that may have fixed it), or upgrade to the current version/release or a version after R2018b (that may have been the last version with this bug).