MATLAB: Axis function seems non functional

axis limitssame scale

I wish to plot 4 panels(June, July,August,September) of diurnal evolution of data x axis = 1 to 24 fine y axis = I set 45 130 as the data for all four months lie in thease extremums.
so I use function axis([1 24 45 130]) after plot function
However to my chagrin, the axes are chosen according to the datasets for each month and not the common y limit set by me
Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

You can use axes() to set the current axes, then plot to it, then use xlim and ylim:
x = 1 : 24;
y = linspace(45,130, length(x)); % Create sample data.
plot(x, y, 'bd-', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 15);
xlim([1, 24]);
ylim([45, 130]);
grid on;
x = 1 : 24;
% etc.