MATLAB: Axis fontsize and text fontsize not matching

fontsize font size text axisMATLAB

I am using the code below that shows the same text as axis xlabel and as a text object. These two labels appear in different sizes despite both being defined at the same size (10 points). I tried on both Windows and Mac. Also in both 2017b and 2018a versions. same problem appears.
lbl = 'These two labels should have the same fontsize 10 yet appear with different sizes' ;
set(gcf,'position',[100 100 700 700])
plot([0 1],[0 1],'r')
text(0.5,-0.1, lbl, 'units','normalized', ...

Best Answer

Dear Royk,
try this:
lbl = 'These two labels should now have the same fontsize 10' ;
set(gcf,'position',[100 100 700 700])
plot([0 1],[0 1],'r')
A = xlabel(lbl);
A.FontSize = 10;
best, Sandro