MATLAB: Axes setting problem

axeshandle graphics

Dear All, I am trying two plot two lines in the same axes using double Y-axis. I found an example in the help pages and adjusted for my needs. I can not get it, why does it show an error:
Error using: set
Value must be a handle
The error occurs in the third line of the following code:
ax1 = gca;
set(ax1,'Ycolor','r','YLim',[0 500], 'ylabel', 'Distance(m)', 'FontSize',22, 'FontName','Helvetica');
ax2= axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),'YAxisLocation','right', 'Color','none', 'YColor','b', 'YLim',[0 3], 'ylabel','Distance(m)', 'FontSize',22, 'FontName','Helvetica');
Please could you give me any clue?

Best Answer

The issue is in how you use YLABEL. Try:
set(ax1,'ylabel', 'Distance(m)');
The point is that you need a different type of handle here, not the axis handle. Insteadt run
set(ax1,'Ycolor','r','YLim',[0 500], 'FontSize',22, 'FontName','Helvetica');
set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'String','Distance (m)')