MATLAB: Axes’ position after adjusting data aspect ratio

aspect ratioaxesposition;

When adjusting the data aspect ratio of axes, the visual display of the axes changes, but not their 'Position'. Is it possible to find the equivalent position of the adjusted/visible axes? Needed for e.g. annotations and for positioning new axes/subplots in the same figure.
Here is an illustration (black – aspect adjusted, red – position):
axpos1 = get(gca,'Position')
set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1]);
axpos2 = get(gca,'Position')

Best Answer

What happens is that the axes object is not actually the white square you see. If you go to the property editor and click on both axes you will see that both axes actually have the same size.
If you want to keep the Position so your annotation make sense, you could do it in two ways:
  • Define a custom axes size so that knowing your XLim and YLim you could get the aspect ratio you want
  • Calculate the position, given the aspect ratio, of the white square within the axes object
However, maybe someone has done this in the file exchange but I can't remember off the top of my head.
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