MATLAB: Averaging values in a table in succession


I want to average a portion of data from a speadsheet everytime a condition is met, the condition is that every time a 0 appears on the 'velocity' and 'displacement' column, I want to get the average of the data below it up until to the next 0 value. Is it possible to do it in matlab to save time because doing it manually on excel takes a lot of time. Help is really appreciated.
Attached here is an image and and the excel file for reference

Best Answer

t=readtable('nim123.xlsx'); % read the data
t(all(isnan(t{:,:}),2),:)=[]; % remove the blank lines at beginning
ix=find(t.velocity==0); % locate zero row locations
ix=[ix;height(t)]; % augment with end of file record number
mn=arrayfun(@(i) mean(t{ix(i):ix(i+1)-1,1:6}),(1:numel(ix)-1),'UniformOutput',false).'; % compute group means
NB: Pass 1:length(ix)-1 to not run off the end of the indexing vector.
For first little of your file, reproduces results above...
>> format bank % stop auto-scale so see couple decimal places all values
>> mn=cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i) mean(t{ix(i):ix(i+1)-1,1:6}),(1:4),'UniformOutput',false).'); % first four groups
>> mn
mn =
1034.93 -128.30 -50.31 18.33 455.72 142.53
1040.27 -131.56 -48.39 38.88 444.44 137.31
1043.06 -135.68 -48.12 40.65 451.27 140.81
1010.54 -132.21 -39.69 40.60 435.18 134.20
where went ahead and converted the cell array to array of doubles.
The location relative to the original data is just ix(1:end-1) of course.