MATLAB: Averaging data sets with certain criteria (month and year)

average specific datesaveraging uneven data sets

I have a large dataset consisting of weather data from 400 counties in the US, in each of these counties I have temperature data from 1-10 stations from the years 1985-2016 on monthly basis. My problem is that I want to average the temperatures in the set but only if the temperatures are from the same year and month. Sometimes this means two rows of data and sometimes it means 10 rows.
Also I am rather new to matlab, I have been trying to build some sort of loop with an else and elseif statement.
I am attaching one of the .csv files, can someone please give me some help on this, before I loose my mind

Best Answer

See <splitapply> For your specific case and data as coded, if you leave the date as is but turn into categorical variable in a table, then you can use it directly as the grouping variable.
I've got to run at the moment, but that should get you started down the right track...
Had a few minutes...
>> t=readtable('joek.csv');
>> whos t
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
t 794x8 357035 table
>> t.Properties.VariableNames
ans =
1×8 cell array
>> t.STATION=categorical(t.STATION);
>> t.NAME=categorical(t.NAME);
>> t.DATE=categorical(t.DATE);
>> t(1:5,:)
ans =
___________ ______________ ________ _________ _________ _______ ______ _____
USC00031632 CORNING, AR US 36.42 -90.59 91.40 1985-01 43.40 -1.80
USC00031632 CORNING, AR US 36.42 -90.59 91.40 1985-02 119.60 2.40
USC00031632 CORNING, AR US 36.42 -90.59 91.40 1985-03 155.30 12.70
USC00031632 CORNING, AR US 36.42 -90.59 91.40 1985-04 137.30 17.90
USC00031632 CORNING, AR US 36.42 -90.59 91.40 1985-05 186.10 21.30
>> [G,date]=findgroups(t.DATE);
>> whos G date
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
G 794x1 6352 double
date 372x1 47618 categorical
>> meantemp=splitapply(@mean,t.TAVG,G);
>> whos meantemp
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
meantemp 372x1 2976 double
>> T=table(date,meantemp);
>> T(1:5,:)
ans =
date meantemp
_______ ________
1985-01 NaN
1985-02 NaN
1985-03 NaN
1985-04 NaN
1985-05 NaN
Yeech! Must be NaN in your dataset...
>> sum(isnan(T.meantemp))
ans =
>> sum(isfinite(T.meantemp))
ans =
Well there are a few, so let's pick them out to display...
>> is=isfinite(meantemp);
>> T=table(date(is),meantemp(is));
>> T
T =
Var1 Var2
_______ _____
1997-10 15.70
1999-10 15.70
2000-01 2.80
2000-02 7.40
2000-03 11.40
2000-04 14.90
2000-11 7.70
2003-10 16.10
2004-07 25.50
2007-01 3.10
You'll probably be better of to clean up the data first rather than later, but that's the idea...
NB: I inadevertently used the variable date above; use a different name as the above aliases the builtin Matlab function of the same name which could lead to confusion on down the road...
>> which -all date
date is a variable.
C:\ML_R2016b\toolbox\matlab\timefun\date.m % Shadowed