MATLAB: Average wind speed histogram

2 hour intervalhistogramwind speed

My dataset consists of a time vector (30min step) a vector of wind speeds and a vector of wind directions.
I find the cases when wind direction is, for example, nort-northeast using x=find(WD>0&WD<60
and then i use histogram(T.Hour(x),[0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24]) to derive to a histogram of absolute frequencies of the north-northeast wind in each of the 2hour bins.
How can i plot a histogram with the average wind speed of this specific wind in each 2hour interval?

Best Answer

t1 = datetime(2016,6,1,0,30,0);
t2 = datetime(2017,5,31,23,30,0);
t = t1:minutes(30):t2;
wind_dir = randi(360,numel(t),1);
wind = rand(numel(t),1);
idx = wind_dir >= 320 & wind_dir <=360;
t_sub = t(idx);
wind_sub = wind(idx);
result = accumarray(hour(t_sub).' + 1, wind_sub,[],@mean);
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