MATLAB: Average values from timeseries

averagedata analysisMATLABtimeseries

Hiiii. I am very new to matlab. I have a timeseries of data that I would like to average for average values per hour per day per month per year ( 24*365=8760 values in output file). Basically the data is structured as follows:
Date Time Temperature
1/1/2005 1:00 282.19
1/1/2005 2:00 281.5
1/1/2005 3:00 281.04
1/1/2005 4:00 282.58
31/12/2014 23:00 294.75
31/12/2014 24:00 294.57
The data I am trying to import as individual vectors/columns or as a timetable. I would like to get a new table/matrix with 8760 new rows each averaging value of each hour of each day of each month by averaging all the 14 years of data. I have tried doing it using index or 'find' approach but it didnt quite work. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thaaanks 😀

Best Answer

Below is a general scetch of what you need to do. Give it a shot and if you get stuck, share the code and let us know where you're stuck.
  1. Use d = day(t,'dayofyear') to get the day-of-year number for each datatime value where t is the datetime column.
  2. Use h = hour(t) to get the hour of each datetime value where t is the datetime column.
  3. Use [G,ID] = findgroups(d,h) to group the days & hours (d and h are from the steps above)
  4. Use Y = splitapply(@mean,data,G) to get the mean of each group of data where 'data' is a colum in your table. G is from the previous step.