MATLAB: Average value of a half wave rectified sine curve


I have a half wave rectified sine wave. I want to calculate the average of this curve on matlab and plot it. Please help.
f = @(t) sin(t).*(sin(t)>=0) + 0*(sin(t)<0);
t = linspace(0, 4*pi);
plot(t, f(t))

Best Answer

This is straightforward:
syms f t t0 t1
halfwave(f,t0,t1) = int(sin(2*pi*f*t), t, t0, t1/2)/(t1 - t0)
numericvpa = vpa(halfwave(1,0,1))
To do it numerically, use the mean function to calculate the mean.
Note that the Root-Mean-Square value:
RMS = sqrt(mean(f(t).^2))
is more meaningful, since that is the D-C equivalent.