MATLAB: Average of Row Elements in a Multideminsional Array

meanmean of rowsmultidimensional arrayrows

I have a 1 x 10 cell array, with each cell containing an 890 x 2 double. I need to find the mean across each row for all cells for values in the 2nd column (while ignoring the 1st column in each cell). The output would therefore simply be a 890 x 1 double (vector).
As a simple example, consider a 1 x 3 cell array A{}
A = {[5 7 ; 0 1 ; 4 3 ] [1 0 ; 3 5 ; 9 8 ] [9 2 ; 3 9; 2 1 ]}
ans =
5 7
0 1
4 3
ans =
1 0
3 5
9 8
ans =
9 2
3 9
2 1
What I want is the following output, for example to B.
ans =
3 % This is just 7 + 0 + 2 / 3
5 % 1 + 5 + 9 / 3
4 % 3 + 8 + 1 / 3
Any help on coding this is appreciated – I am happy to do it using a for loop, no problem, if possible.

Best Answer

one way
A2 = cellfun(@(x)x(:,2),A,'un',0);
B = mean([A2{:}]',2);
other way
A3 = cat(A,3);
B = mean(A3(:,2,:),3);