MATLAB: Automatic activation of a button


Hi Thanks for your reply. I am using guide. I have two gui figure window. In the first window i have two edit box & a pushbutton. In second window I have an edit box & a pushbutton. From first window i want to take two input through edit box. In the second window I want to disply the summation of these two in the edit box of second window, after pressing the pushbutton of the first window. The summation funtion is written in the pushbutton of the second window. I want to activate the pushbutton of second window automatically by pressing the pushbutton of first window. How i do that. Plz plz help me. Thanks again.

Best Answer

Pass the two variables in a handles structure when calling the second window. When the push button in the second window is then clicked call the variables from the handles structure and add them up.