MATLAB: Audioread freezes on 2017b and Debian Stretch (Gstreamer 1.10.4-1)


Trying to use audioread on an mp3 file simply doesn't complete on Matlab 2017b and Debian Stretch (Gstreamer 1.10.4-1). For example on a 30 second clip I run the following:
[y,Fs] = audioread('Chet Baker.mp3');
The GUI is responsive, but execution freezes. Additional information: I'm using Matlab with an academic license connecting to the license server through a VPN.

Best Answer

I fixed it by installing gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 using
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3
I believe this is still a bug of sorts. Rather than freezing, Matlab should give an error message/exception describing how to fix the problem.
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