MATLAB: Audio Plugin Oversampling delay behaviour

audio pluginAudio Toolboxoversampling delay

I was developing a new plugin based on multibandParametricEQ algorithm engine, when I came across with the following behaviour: when oversampling option is activated, the signal is delayed with respect to the original, making a comb filter effect if we place the EQ in a parallel chnl in a DAW. The amount of delay ia around 4.3ms (as can be seen in the attached). Spectral component is not heavily impacted.
This behaviours is not present in any other well known EQ commertial plugins, wich also use oversampling process.
So, is it possible to overcome this? Why DAW does not correct this evenwhen Delay compensation feature is activated?

Best Answer

Hi Pablo,
Oversampling adds latency to the processing. Most DAWs can compensate for latency if the plugin reports it to the DAW. Unfortunately, MATLAB audio plugins do not supprt latency reporting.
I have heard of plugins that might solve this problem for you, such as, but I have not tried any of them myself.
hope this helps,