MATLAB: Audio file information to be shown as text on GUI text

audio file info on matlab gui as text

Hi How to get the audiofile info to be shown on GUI as text : I mean i will prss a button in GUI and i need to show these information . Also is it possible to show individual as NumChannels , SampleRate in separate Text in GUI
CompressionMethod: 'Uncompressed' NumChannels: 1 SampleRate: 44100 TotalSamples: 4646687 Duration: 105.3671 Title: [] Artist: [] BitsPerSample: 16

Best Answer

info = audioinfo(FileName);
Field = fieldnames(info);
Data = struct2cell(info);
CStr = cell(1, numel(Field));
for k = 1:numel(Field)
if ischar(Data{k})
CStr{k} = sprintf('%s: %s', Field{k}, Data{k});
elseif isnumeric(Data{k})
if isempty(Data{k})
CStr{k} = sprintf('%s: []', Field{k});
CStr{k} = sprintf('%s: %s', Field{k}, num2str(Data{k}));
else % No idea how to display this - adjust this as you like it:
CStr{k} = sprintf('%s: [%s]', Field{k}, class(Data{k}));
set(handles.listbox1, 'String', CStr);
Use the wanted GUI element instead of handles.listbox1 and define filename accordingly.
Maybe this is enough already:
Str = evalc(disp(info));
CStr = strsplit(Str, '\n');
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