MATLAB: Audio compression using DCT


I'm working on Audio Compression using DCT. How do i expand the size of my sample after performing Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform? The code i have written produces an error saying "matrix dimensions must agree" when i try to find the MSE.
ratio=N/b; % N is the length of the original sample
[rows,columns]= size(A)
extra = rows*ceil(numel(X)/rows) - numel(X);

Best Answer

You have a problem there. You use M as a size in the code, but you calculate it based upon the content of y and y is a vector, so your M is a vector the same size as y.
if (i==M)
You overwrite all of frame in each iteration. If that is your intention, you might as well do only the last iteration, i=M
Likewise your later code overwrites all of frame1
Your y is a vector so your X is a vector.
Your X is a vector so your A is a vector.
[rows,columns]= size(A)
extra = rows*ceil(numel(A)/rows) - numel(A);
That is a waste of code. numel(A) is always going to be exactly divisible by rows unless rows is 0, so extra is going to always be 0.
With extra being 0, that is just the same as reshape(X(:), rows, columns) but because of the way that X and A are built, X and A are already going to be the same shape.
err = (((y-MU).^2)/(R*C)); % error in this line
y is your original signal, of whatever size it is. You took a 32768 point dct to build X and Mu comes out the same as X, so MU is going to be a vector of length 32768. And it happens that both y and Mu are column vectors. But they are different lengths, y being the original size and MU being the 32768 length. You have a subtraction problem.
Perhaps you want
extra = numel(y) - numel(X);
MU = reshape([X(:), nan(extra,1)], size(y));
err = (((y-MU).^2)/numel(X); %?? numel(y) ??
but it seems pretty strange to deliberately do a lot of subtractions of nan. It would make more sense to subtract X from the first 32768 entries of y, or else to reconstruct from the dct coefficients back to the full size of y.