MATLAB: Audinate Dante AVIO ADP-DAO-AU-0X2 Support for Audio System Toolbox

adp-dao-au-0x2audinateaudioAudio Toolboxaviodantei/oportsupportsystemtoolbox

Is the Audinate Dante AVIO ADP-DAO-AU-0X2 supported for MATLAB? It is not showing up in the list of audio devices when running the "audiodevinfo" function. Additionally, the special drivers for this device entail that it is not registered as a playback or recording device in Windows. How can I use this hardware with the Audio System Toolbox if it is not detected?

Best Answer

Audio System Toolbox I/O functions only interface with devices at the OS driver level. This means the audio device must be a playback or recording device in Windows or the applicable OS. If the device is not detectable by Windows, then MATLAB would not see it either. This decouples the I/O functions from vendor specific hardware and allows for greater multi-platform support. If it is possible to install drivers from the device vendor in order to get a playback or recording device in Windows, then it is likely possible to use the device with MATLAB.
The audio I/O functions from the toolbox use the Port Audio library. Applications such as VLC Player and Audacity use the Port Audio library as well. More information regarding applications using Port Audio can be found on (<>). Generally, the hardware has to work with at least one of the other applications using Port Audio to confirm compatibility with MATLAB.