MATLAB: Attempting to automate the importing of text file data

automatefor loopreadtabletext file

I am trying to automate the importing of text file data. How can I call each individual text file name, which is variable, in the readtable function? I have a variable with each textfile name, but am having difficulty using that in the readtable function. Is that a good way to do it? Im not even sure. I attached two text files for examples, any help is appreciated.
textfiles = dir('*.txt');
numboffiles = length(textfiles);
filelist = {ones(1:numboffiles)};
for j =1:numboffiles
filelist(j) = {textfiles(j).name};
data = ones(length(filelist));
for i = 1:length(filelist)
fid = fopen(filelist{i});
if fid == -1
fprintf ('Wrong File Name');
data(i) = readtable(filelist(j), 'Delimiter', '\t', 'ReadVariableNames',false, 'HeaderLines', 9);

Best Answer

%Let directory 'data' have your files: 40_8deg_HL_Both.txt and 40_4deg_HL_Both.txt
n = dir('path_to_data/data/*Both.txt');
m = numel(n);
T = cell(m,1);
vn = {'Data_Timestamp','q','V_ref','Alpha','NFonSF','AFonAF2','PMonYM','P','Orientation'};
for ii = 1:m
T{ii} = readtable(n(1).name,'ReadVariableNames',0,...
'Format','%{yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS}D %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %q',...
T{ii}.Properties.VariableNames = vn;
%or other for-loop
for ii = 1:m
T{ii} = readtable(n(1).name,'ReadVariableNames',0,...
'Format','%q %q %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %q','HeaderLines',9);
T{ii}.Var1 = datetime(strcat(T{ii}{:,1},'_',T{ii}{:,2}),'I','uuuuMMdd_HH:mm:ss.SSS');
T{ii}.Var2 = [];
T{ii}.Properties.VariableNames = vn;