MATLAB: Attempted to access A(5); index out of bounds because numel(A)=4.

out of bounds

N = 100;
w = 0.5;
q = 0.01;
r = 0.1;
%%This is the transition matrix
A = [cos(w) sin(w)/w;
-w*sin(w) cos(w)];
%%This is the process noise covariance
Q = [0.5*q*(w-cos(w)*sin(w))/w^3 0.5*q*sin(w)^2/w^2;
0.5*q*sin(w)^2/w^2 0.5*q*(w+cos(w)*sin(w))/w];
% This is the true initial value
x0 = [0;0.1];
X = zeros(2,N); % The true signal
Y = zeros(1,N); % Measurements
T = 1:N; % Time
x = x0;
for i=1:N %kalman predict m(i) = A(i)*X(i) P(i) = A(i) * P(i) * A(i)' + Q(i); end

Best Answer

A is a 2-D array of size 2-by-2, so what you you expect to happen when you use only one index, i, into it? And since it has only 4 elements, what do you expect should happen if you send in i of 5 up to 100 into it? What is the 100'th element of A, which has only 4 elements?
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